Consumer Information

Telehealth Services

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth at REDHS is a consultation between a patient and a medical, nursing or allied health specialist using video conferencing software and an audio and visual link over the internet, without having to attend the health service person. This is beneficial where it it is difficult to attend in person, or, where pandemic mandates prevent attendance.

What are the advantages of telehealth?

  • Reduced or no travel time
  • Less impact on your daily life
  • Your home is your waiting room
  • Easier access to specialist care

What if I prefer a face-to-face consultation?

You can always choose a face-to-face consultation with your specialist if you prefer. Telehealth is an option for your care when available and appropriate.

What do I need to make a video call?

  1. Access to a computer, iPad, smart phone or similar device – speak to your specialist.
  2. A good internet connection
  3. A private, well-lit area
  4. Web camera, speakers and a microphone (inbuilt on modern devices)

Is a telehealth consultation private?

The same privacy and confidentiality requirements that apply for all face to face consultations apply to video consultations, as per REDHS Privacy Policy.

What happens during the Telehealth appointment?

You and the specialist will be visible on a computer screen at each end of the video consultation.

At the start of the consultation, everyone will introduce themselves and the reason for the consultation will be explained. You may be asked some identifying questions, such as your name, date of birth and address to ensure that you are the right patient with the right specialist, and that they have the right health record.

The specialist will speak with you and ask you questions just as they would in a face to face consultation. You can also ask questions of the specialist.

As with any face-to-face appointment, your spouse, partner, family or friend may accompany you if you wish.

What will it cost me?

The video call is free, however the regular costs (if any) of a consultation still apply.

Will the video consultation be recorded?

No. However if your specialist feels that it would be helpful for your treatment to record particular images during your consultation, they will ask for written permission.

How should I prepare for my telehealth appointment?

  • Before the appointment, check that you can sign into the test site (your specialist will provide information prior)
  • Be ready at least 5-10 mins early
  • Make sure the room is quiet and free of distractions
  • Speak clearly so your voice can be picked up by the microphone
  • Look at the camera so you can achieve good eye contact with the specialist

To enquire about Telehealth, contact our Intake Officer on (03) 5484 4465.