We are pleased to advise that REDHS Urgent Centre will be remaining at 40-44 Moore Street Rochester (formerly Rochester Medical Centre) until the rebuild of our facility is complete.
We wish to reassure the community that REDHS Urgent Care Centre will continue to operate safely and effectively through our current nurse lead model of accredited Rural and Isolated Practice Registered Nurses (RIPRNs), with GP support from Campaspe Medical Centre and the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED).
What is a RIPRN?
RIPRNs are specialist registered nurses who work in approved rural health services and can administer and supply medicines in health services that have department secretarial approval. RIPRNs have been operating successfully in Victoria since 2012.
What is the VVED?
When medical care is required, a video call will be made to the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED), a statewide service based at the Northern Hospital providing care from emergency medicine specialists. This service is provided at no cost to the patient.
REDHS will also continue to provide podiatry services by appointment at 40-44 Moore Street Rochester until the rebuild of our facility is complete.
Campaspe Medical Centre is accepting new clients between Rochester and Elmore focusing on the elderly and vulnerable clients within our community as a priority.
The REDHS led Medical Workforce Working Party is working closely with the Murray Primary Health Care Network and Campaspe Medical Centre to explore options to secure GP services for the Rochester Community. We also thank Brett from the Rochester Pharmacy for participating in our working party.
You can download a list of medical services that are available free of charge to members of our community via this link to print and share amongst your friends and families – https://www.redhs.com.au/…/REDHS-Medical-Services…
From all of us here at REDHS, we wish to thank Dr Fang for his service to REDHS and the Rochester Community over many years and wish him all the best with his well earned retirement.